Do you feel this way when you walk up the stairs? Know what your heart is telling you.

Heart Health: You should be careful if you feel short of breath or sweaty or tired while climbing stairs. Because these are symptoms of heart related diseases. In such a situation one should go to the doctor immediately without wasting time. According to experts, if you feel chest pain or pressure in the heart or sweat or dizziness after climbing a few stairs, then it should not be ignored at all. Because it can damage the heart and be fatal.

How to check the heart

According to experts, it can be easily checked whether the heart is working properly or not. If you suddenly start climbing stairs and feel short of breath, it may be due to doing so out of habit. In such a situation, your heart is not necessarily defective. Therefore, before doing heavy or new exercise, the body should be fully prepared. It does not put direct pressure on the body and heart.

What to do to improve heart health

1. Walk briskly every day.

The doctor said that 30 minutes of exercise should be done daily to maintain heart health. If you run or walk, keep your pace fast. Walking 10,000 steps a day makes the heart completely healthy.

2. Do physical activity.

According to health experts, if you don’t want to go to the gym and can’t exercise in the morning, that’s okay. If you know how to dance, you can. Apart from this, you can keep your body and heart fit by participating in sports.

How to recognize a weak heart?

If there is pressure in the heart, sweating, dizziness, chest pain or shortness of breath while climbing the stairs, understand that the heart has weakened. In such a situation you should consult a doctor and get your heart checked. If none of these symptoms are found and breathing becomes faster just by climbing stairs, it means that the heart is healthy.

Check out the health tools below-
Calculate your body mass index (BMI).

Calculate age using age calculator.

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